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From the Point where Covenanters laid down their lives - sinners are being called to openly confess -repent

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 12/08/18 “Progression in the 7-Year Plan”

“In politics, the norm has become to examine the policies of others, & blast them. In its healthy state, debate can be a good thing; but in present-day Britain, it is the sins of the nation which need to be confessed.

“So, I am bringing in quickly the open confession movement, of those who are not only willing to confess their own faults one to another, but also willing to confess the faults of the nation.

“One such fault of the nation’s leaders, is in their own idols. Now, as citizens of your own nation, you are perfectly entitled to confess its faults to God & to each other; for you yourself have voted in leaders who take salaries, who have homes, which they have not been prepared to give up for the sake of others; pensions they have not been prepared to give up. For these leaders have their security in man-made things, rather than in God.

“You see, My leaders have their security in heavenly things, rather than those of the god of this world. So you have leaders of self-interest rather than those of self-sacrifice, of those prepared to give their lives for the sake of the people.

“Constitution Keepers is about confessing the sins of the nation openly, within the context of thine own ministry, God’s ministry. You examine yourselves, rather than the faults of others. You know this brings healing within the body. But spirits operate in those who emphasise the faults of others rather than themselves.

“This is one part of the open confession movement; but the other part is when you confess the sins of the nation. For by doing so, you will bring a great earthquake into the establishment, & its foundations which are on sand. The wise man puts his trust in God. The wise man places his idols at the cross, gives up what he has so as to follow Christ.

“You see, in Britain Elizabeth the First was prepared to give up her all, her life, to ensure the nation forever is on the rock of the Lord Jesus. Within the British Constitution, such is the Cabinet, such is the MP, such is the civil service & the council executives. By openly confessing what you have done, you will bring conviction right into the heart of government; & as the Christian heritage of the nation is known, the wind of conviction will touch every avenue of government; & there will be those crying for mercy, as in the Hebridean Revival; & you will say, ‘Come to the cross; lay down your trophies before Him.’ ‘Oh, I have sinned! Oh, I have sinned!’ they will cry. ‘We have sinned before You.’ You see, remember the story of Zacchaeus? He was a government official wasn’t he? What did he do?

“In Britain, there have been taxes upon taxes upon taxes. The Health Service is full of over-paid management, rather than those prepared to give their lives for others; over-paid management, who oversee the slaughter of the innocents. You see, the Constitution Keepers is coming in at the right time; & on thy website, thou shalt have a page with this prophecy, inviting those who work for government to give up their all for the cause. For thou hast a Christian Constitution, brought in by a God-fearing woman; in Scotland, by a God-fearing man – which must now all come together, as the rock on which the nation is built: the Lord Jesus, who gave up His life for the sake of others. Such is it to be in the Britain saved by the blood of the Lamb.

“‘Will you come to the cross?’ you say. ‘Will you come to the cross?’ You will play on the page called ‘Open Confession’ ‘There’s Room at the Cross,’ ‘Just as I am, without one Plea,’ ‘Take my Life, & let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.’ It will be quite a page, on the Constitution Keepers website, with links to the other sites. ‘Will you come to the Cross today?’

“In your next schedule of programmes, let us re-make the Maynard James series, as a programme of the Constitution Keepers. You will bring heavy conviction right into the heart of government, saith the Lord; & the babies shall be saved, the morality restored; & as the leaders give their lives to Christ, so I become the leader of your nation once more, as I was in the Settlement of the first Elizabeth.”

This is the Lord's doing

and it is marvellous in our eyes.

There is only one Christ, Jesus, one faith.

All else is a dispute over trifles.


Christ was the word that spake it.
He took the bread and break it;
And what his words did make it
That I believe and take it.


Here lands as true a subject,

being prisoner, as ever landed at these stairs. Before Thee, O God, I speak it, having none other friend but Thee alone.


There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion, which causes us to leave the world, and seek God.

I pray to God that I shall not live one hour

after I have thought of using deception.

God has given such brave soldiers to this Crown that, if they do not frighten our neighbours, at least they prevent us from being frightened by them.

There is nothing about which I am more anxious than my country, and for its sake I am willing to die ten deaths, if that be possible.

Queen Elizabeth I who gave us our God-Given Constitution and WRITTEN!




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